Generalizing the "Drunk Pasenger" Problem

I recently stumbled across a problem that asked for a generalization of the “Drunk Passenger” problem. The classic problem is as follows:

Problem Statement

There are \(n\) seats on an airplane and \(n\) passengers. The passengers are in a line to board the plane and the \(i\)-th passenger in line is assigned to seat number \(i\) on the plane. However, the first passenger in line is drunk and takes a seat on the plane uniformly at random. The rest of the passengers take a on the plane seat one by one. Passenger \(i \geq 2\) will sit in their assigned seat if it is available, otherwise they will sit in an open seat uniformly at random. What is the probability the \(n\)-th passenger in line sits in their assigned seat?

The version of the problem we will solve is: find the probability that the \(k\)-th passenger in line sits in their assigned seat for \(k = 1,\ldots,n\).


Let \(P(n, k)\) be the probability that the \(k\)-th passenger sits in their assigned seat. Let’s do a little exploration. We can immediately reason that because the first passenger (\(k=1\)) always picks their seat uniformly at random, we have that \(P(n,1) = 1/n\) for all \(n\). But what about for \(k=2\) ? The second passenger will sit in their assigned seat only if the first passenger does not steal their seat. This implies \(P(n,2) = \frac{n-1}{n}\). For \(k \geq 3\), we rely on an important observation:

If the first passenger sits in seat \(i\) such that \(3 \leq i \leq n\), then the passengers \(2,\ldots, i - 1\) will all sit in their assigned seats.

We can now find \(P(n,k)\) by conditioning on three events:

  1. The first passenger sits in seat \(1\).
  2. The first passenger sits in seat \(i\) where \(i > k\).
  3. The first passenger sits in seat \(i\) where \(2 \leq i \leq k -1\).

In events a) and c) passenger \(k\) sits in their assigned seat with probability 1. Event b) requires some more careful analysis.

Say passenger \(1\) sits in seat \(i\) such that \(2 \leq i \leq k -1\). In this case, passengers \(2,\ldots,i-1\) all get their assigned seats. Passenger \(i\), now without their assigned seat, will sit uniformly at random in one of the seats numbered \(1, i+1, i+2, \ldots, n\). But this is the same problem as before with passenger \(i\) as the new “drunk passenger” whose assigned seat is \(1\). In this smaller problem, there are \(n-i+1\) passengers and passenger \(k\) in the larger problem is now passenger \(k - i + 1\) in the smaller problem. Therefore in the event that passenger \(1\) sits in seat \(i\), the probability that passenger \(k > i\) sits in their assigned seat is \(P(n+1 - i, k + 1 - i)\).

To put this all into a recurrence relation, we have

\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} P(n,k) & = \Pr\left[\text{$k$ sits in seat $k$}|\text{1 sits in seat 1} \right]\cdot \Pr[\text{1 sits in seat 1} ]\\ & + \Pr\left[\text{$k$ sits in seat $k$}|\text{1 sits in seat $i > k$} \right]\cdot \Pr[\text{1 sits in seat $i > k$} ]\\ & + \sum_{i=1}^{k-1} \Pr\left[\text{$k$ sits in seat $k$}|\text{1 sits in seat $i$} \right]\cdot \Pr[\text{1 sits in seat $i$} ]\\ & = 1 \cdot \frac{1}{n} + 1 \cdot \frac{n-k}{n} + \sum_{i=2}^{k-1}P(n+1 - i, k + 1 - i)\cdot \frac{1}{n}\\ & = \frac{n+1 -k}{n} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=2}^{k-1}P(n+1 - i, k + 1 - i)\\ & = \frac{n+1 -k}{n} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{k-2}P(n - i, k - i)\\ \end{split}\label{eq:recurrence} \end{equation}\]

with base cases \(P(n,1) = \frac{1}{n}\) and \(P(n,2) = \frac{n-1}{n}\) for all \(n\). But how might we go about evaluating (\ref{eq:recurrence})?

Well, by solving for a few small values of \(k\) by hand, we find that \(P(n,3) = \frac{n-2}{n-1}\) and \(P(n,4) = \frac{n-3}{n-2}\). This leads us to the following proposition which we will then prove by induction on \(k\).

For \(n \in \mathbb{Z}_+ \) and integer \(k \leq n\) the probability that passenger \(k\) sits in their assigned seat in the drunk passenger problem is \begin{equation} \boxed{P(n,k) = \begin{cases} \frac{n + 1 - k}{n + 2 - k} & k\geq 2\\ \frac{1}{n} & k = 1. \end{cases}} \end{equation}


We will prove this by induction on \(k\). First note the base cases for \(P(n,1)\) holds. Then using (\ref{eq:recurrence}) we have \(P(n,2) = \frac{n-1}{n}\) which agrees with our previous results. These two base cases hold for all \(n \geq 2\). We will now proceed with the inductive hypothesis and assume the result holds for all \(k' < k\). It now suffices to show \(P(n,k) = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n + 2 - k}\).

From (\ref{eq:recurrence}) we have \(\begin{equation} \begin{split} P(n,k) & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{k-2}P(n - i, k - i)\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{k-2}\frac{(n-i) + 1 - (k-i)}{(n-i) + 2 - (k-i)}\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n} + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{k-2}\frac{n + 1 - k}{n + 2 - k}\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n} + \frac{k-2}{n}\cdot\frac{n + 1 - k}{n + 2 - k}\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n}\left(1 + \frac{k-2}{n + 2 - k}\right)\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n}\left(\frac{n}{n + 2 - k}\right)\\ & = \frac{n + 1 - k}{n + 2 - k} \end{split} \end{equation}\) as desired. \(\begin{align*} & \tag*{\(\blacksquare\)} \end{align*}\)

Based on this we do recover the classic result that \(P(n,n) = 1/2\). Taking the derivative of \(P(n,k)\) with respect to \(k\) we can see that it is a decreasing function in \(k\) and that the later in the line you are, the less likely it is you will sit in your assigned seat with a worst case probability of \(1/2\).