Leetcode Milestone

Beginning Competitive Programming: Leetcode Milestone

It’s no secret that I love to think about and work on math/programming puzzles. Over the past several months I have decided to begin a new hobby: Competitive programming! Not only will this keep me sharp for my upcoming job search post grad school, but it is a great way to continue to bolster my problem solving skills and keep fresh the algorithm design skills that I learned during my time at UTD.

My favorite resources for finding problems to work on are: Leetcode (a very popular site for interview style programming problems), Kattis (an online problem archive of problems that have been asked in programming contests around the world), and Codeforces (another very popular website that hosts high-quality contests). I have been regularly competing in the weekly Leetcode contests and learning a lot in doing so! I plan to reach around 500 problems in Leetcode and achieve a 1900+ rating and then switch to Codeforces since I have heard the problems are more interesting and more mathematical (woo!). I recently broke into the “knight” level in the Leetcode contests which is currently for those the top ~ 6% in overall contest performance! You can check out my current contest rating and activity here!